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Brett B.

Why Traveling Makes You a Better Person

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Imagine you grew up in a small town and you never traveled farther than a couple of hours away. Your world has only a few hundred-mile radii, but that is all you know. Everyone knows everyone, there’s a Christian church on every corner, and only one Chinese restaurant can be found within miles of the city limits. You only know the traditions your parents taught you as you grew up. You know the world is bigger than what surrounds you, but it seems strange, frightening, and foreign.

That is where travel comes in. Imagine you grew up in rural Arkansas, but then you take a trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On your trip, you will see new skin colors, hear new languages, and smell new smells. Imagine you grew up on a ranch in Montana, but then you take a trip to Tokyo, Japan. You encounter new religions, taste new foods, and discover different cultures. Suddenly the world has grown bigger than what you could have ever imagined.

Traveling is exhilarating! As you adventure across different landscapes, see new monuments, and eat new delicious food, you grow as a person. However, the real benefit is the knowledge you can gain from the rest of the world. Every new interaction with another person teaches you to be more accepting. New things can no longer seem strange, just different than what you grew up with. When you travel, your world grows bigger and you become an open-minded, kind-hearted person. So what are you waiting for? Stop being scared, jump in with two feet, and take your future into your own hands. Go travel to the place you have always dreamed of. Don’t let your dream die away; live them.

Vacation Time is Family Time

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The best childhood memories usually are those spent as a family. No one reminisces about punching the clock and fighting traffic. Think of your childhood memories and chances are there’s something that makes everyone in your family laugh and more than likely its related to a vacation.  Who hasn’t watched Chevy Case as Clark W. Griswold and failed to see the ironic humor?

There’s something magical about a trip as a kid. Everything is bigger, better, scarier, and much more memorable than everyday life.  Virtually everyone can remember a family trip or two that makes you laugh or cry. It’s there forever. It brings back a carefree time when imagination was bigger than life.

Plan your family trip today. Make the memories that your family will recall for years to come. Want help getting started, just let me know.

Make Your Personal Adventure “Bucket List” Trips Happen

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Are you an adventure nut?  Like to simply sit back and relax?  Maybe a little of both?  Whatever the case, anyone can come up with a personal Top 5 Bucket List.  Did you know that if you write a goal down you are exponentially more likely to achieve it?  A Harvard study says so therefore it must be true.  In a few years, you’ll have a collection of photos, videos, experiences and memories that are priceless.  Having a hard time getting started?  Here’s a sample of how easy it is to create your list:

  1. Everest Base Camp – Base Camp at 19,000 feet would be close enough to be really cool.
  2. River Raft The Grand Canyon – Class 5 rapids make most people test their comfort zone. Maybe that’s part of the thrill.
  3. Hike to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro – You have to go through Africa to get there which is also part of the appeal to me.
  4. Swim with the Sharks – Off the Great Barrier Reef, in a cage, of course. Australia is another bonus of this trip. I love Australia.
  5. Hang Glide Rio de Janeiro – Jumping off the mountain side over the city of Rio de Janeiro flying over the jungle down to the city below would be glorious.

These are mine, what are yours?

Never Pay Full Price

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Smart people know that saving a dollar is as good as making a dollar. They know how to get things for less. Not cheap imitations. Not ‘look-a-likes’. But real, genuine goods and services for less than the average consumer. Their secret is, they never pay full price.

Travel is one of those areas where deals are hard to determine. Confusion in the marketplace makes it difficult to know if you’re getting the best price for your trip. Even the discounted travel sites are misleading when it comes to price and value.

There is a secret in the travel industry, JIFU. JIFU is a travel club that offers its members wholesale prices with no mark-up. Let me say that again, no mark-up. For a small annual fee, members get access to their entire network of hotels, airlines, rental cars, cruises, vacation homes and condos. Major brands, world-wide.

Members can and have saved 40%, 50%, even 60% and more. If you save 50% on your travel that means you’re halfway to your next trip. Remember, saving is just like earning.

If you’re interested in saving hundreds on your next trip, it’s easier than you think.

Specialty Trips Are, Well Special

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Not all vacations need to end up around a pool with a cool drink in your hand. Don’t get me wrong, that scenario is just fine with me, most of the time. But when was the last time you took a vacation that catered to your special interest or hobby?

Are you a wine lover? Why not plan a week touring the vineyards in the Napa Valley or the south of Tuscany?

Are you a river rafter or a kayaker? There are literally hundreds of options that can take you down the river of your choice.

Is fitness your thing? How about a yoga experience in Greece?

Did someone say adventure? Skydiving? Scuba diving? Zip-lining? Cliff jumping? Hiking? Spelunking?

If you have a passion for history, how about a trip across Europe or a tour up the east coast visiting ancient historical sites in Europe, the Americas or Asia?

The options are as varied as you can imagine. If you have never taken a specialty trip, now is the time to look into planning one. Alone, with that significant other, or a group. This is the place to get started.

Take Some Time Off

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There is nothing wrong with working hard, but as the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.  Taking some time to sharpen the saw not only makes you happier but studies prove it also makes you healthier and more productive.

Here’s the JIFU challenge … get moving and take some time off.  Studies show that people outside the United States are twice as likely to travel away from home than Americans. The average American vacation is less than 4 days while Europeans average is nearly two weeks. How can you really give your body, mind, and soul the relaxation necessary to rejuvenate when after the first day or so you’re already thinking of what you need to do when you get back to work. It’s like like running down your iPhone battery to zero and trying to recharge it in just a few minutes. It might work for a little while, but not for long.

Take a minute and look at the calendar, mark out a 7-10 day period, write in big red letters “VACATION” then make it happen.

Put a Little Sunshine in Your Winter

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Winter seems to go on forever. Cold, rainy, snowy, dark, it’s a little depressing. Have you ever been talking to a friend when they say something like, “Oh ya, we’re heading to Hawaii for a few days. I can’t wait.” and not seen a smile fill their face? Me neither.

Why aren’t you that person? It’s not as hard or as expensive as you might think. Here are the top 5 destinations just to get you thinking:

  1. Hawaii – The Big Island has something for everyone whether you want to relax, sightsee, golf, or something more adventurous like scuba diving.
  2. Rome – Off season can make this a great place to visit. Avoid the crowds, take in the sites, and enjoy that legendary Italian sun.
  3. U.S. Virgin Islands – Think 75 – 80 degrees, white sand beaches, and the sound of waves crashing. That makes it pretty easy to forget the cold.
  4. Rio de Janeiro – Not too far away and yet worlds apart. Maybe a jungle tour or catch a football (soccer) match one night.
  5. Costa Rica – A place to get up and go hiking, zip-line through the rainforest, mountain bike, or enjoy a leisurely day horseback riding.

It’s easier and less expensive than you may think. Get going.

Insider Travel Secrets

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Let’s face it, social media has infiltrated our world and everyday life.  Do you ever wonder why everybody’s life seems more exciting than yours?  As such, many quit checking Facebook and Instagram and the endless stream of selfies from beaches, European cities, and Hawaiian vacations.  The obvious bewilderment is where do they get the money.  The truth is that they don’t have any more than you do, they just know how to travel the way you want, they just do it for less.

Let me give you a few travel insider secrets.  Watch any sports on TV and you’ll see an endless stream of travel site ads that promise the best price.  The truth is they are all the same, literally, owned by the same two megacorps.  You can call a hotel directly and pay retail, get a bit of a discount through other sites or pay much less through an exclusive JIFU travel membership.  JIFU offers you the same price that the big online portals pay and mark-up to the customer.  To be redundant, with JIFU, you pay what they pay, no mark-up.  Same room, same destinations, huge discounts.  Any JIFU Member Affiliate can show you how.

Why Don’t You Travel More?

By Travel Motivation No Comments

I’ll answer the question with some questions.

  1. Did you know that 76% percent of people want to travel more but fear of the unknown, financial angst, and just plain putting it off account for the problem?
  2. Are you aware that 32% of people don’t own or don’t know where their luggage is or don’t own any?
  3. Can you imagine that 13% of American adults have never been on an airplane?
  4. Worst of all, is it really possible based on a recent New York Post study that 54% of Americans have been to 10 states or less and a shocking 11% have never left their state of birth?

The world is a beautiful place, full of cultures, people, and experiences that excite all five senses.  Travel can contribute to your good health, make you happier, and a more pleasant  person to be around.  Don’t believe it?  Do your own research or, better yet, put travel to the test. Try a quick weekend getaway or an international blitz.  Quit procrastinating, get moving, and enjoy life.  Travel is way more affordable than you think and a refreshing break from the same every day grind you’re settling for.